My piece on what makes a racing driver went out yesterday on the BBC. In case you missed it, here it is:
Over the next few days will be writing a blog digging into the telemetry more and relating it to the relevant points on the track. Should be a good read for racing aficionados.
Lovely story Chris, well produced. Bit jealous too!
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you Julian -- and thank you! It was an amazing day and there is more to come. Currently working on a big telemetry explainer with BBC Sport for the F1 site next week.
ReplyDeleteSo, where can I see that big telemetry explainer? That's one of the areas that i've been most curious about.
ReplyDeleteHi Slitz ... there are more details here:
Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteGreat blog BTW!
Cheers Chap -- watch BBC Breakfast tomorrow morning (Fri) for my piece on simulators. Couldn't go into too much detail as in blog because of time constraints but nevertheless it'll be a good watch!